Monday, May 3, 2010


I love beer. And I love going to bars that have lots of different beers. And I love drinking many of those beers. Unfortunately, my threshold for consuming multiple pints of beer is lowering as we speak.

Luckily, a few beer bars understand this and offer the half-pint.

Most notably, The Grey Lodge (not coincidentally Philadelphia's best beer bar) offers half-pints at exactly half the price of a full pint.

Also, The Swift Half Pub at the Piazza at Schmidts offer half-pints, but I believe charges more than half the price of a pint (which feels like a rip-off to me).

I'm also aware that many old-man-bars (most memorably Krupa's at 27th and Brown Streets in the Art Museum area) also sell small glasses of cheap beer that need constant refilling and cost less than a dollar, but that is a different story.

Beer bars of Philadelphia, please offer this aging man the half-pint he needs before I am forced to go to go back to Krupa's. Or before I am forced to share every pint with my wife.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking today about how much I wish more places would sell half pints. They're brilliant!
